Procedure for issuing an EU Blue Card
The residence and work permit type “European Union blue card”/ EU SC / is issued by the Ministry of Interior /MoI/ according to art. 33K of the foreigners in the Republic Of Bulgaria Act. It also contains the positive written opinion provided by the executive director of the Employment Agency for access to the Bulgarian labour market.
The “EU Blue Card ” procedure complies with Directive 2009/50/EC on the highly qualified employment of
third-country nationals.
These are persons employed for exercising highly qualified employment under an employment relationship within the meaning of the Labour Code by a local employer. “Highly qualified employment” within the meaning of the labour migration and
“Highly qualified employment” within the meaning of the labour migration and Labour Mobility Act is the employment
of a person who has a high professional qualification, representing:
“High level qualification” means a qualification which is attested by evidence of higher education or a high level of professional skills” “High level of professional skills” means:
(A) in the case of positions listed in the list, approved by order of the minister of labour and social policy, knowledge, skills and competences attested by an official document issued by a competent authority for professional experience at a level comparable to a higher education acquired within the period specified in the list and relevant to the position or sector specified in the employment contract; or
(C) in the case of posts other than point (a), knowledge, skills and competences which are attested by an official document issued by a competent authority for at least five years of professional experience at a level comparable to a higher education and which relate to posts or the sector specified in the employment contract.”
"Professional experience" means the experience acquired by the person in the actual and lawful exercise of the position concerned.'

“EU Blue Card” is issued for a period of up to 5 years, but not less than 24 months. Where the duration of the employment contract is less than 24 months, the authorisation shall be issued for the duration of the contract, extended by three months, but for a maximum period of 24 months, and may be renewed if there are grounds for its re-issue.
It is not required that the foreigner with the allowed right of long-term residence in the country at the initial application for a permit “SC of the EU” is outside the territory of the Republic Of Bulgaria.
The “EU SC” permit is not issued to foreigners who have obtained the right of long-term residence on the grounds of art. 24m, as well as family members of citizens of the European Union who have exercised or exercised their right of free movement on the territory of the European Union and have obtained the right of residence under the law on the entry, stay and exit of the Republic of Bulgaria of citizens of the European Union and their family members. And. Conditions for access to the labour market. The terms and conditions for access to the labour market are set out in art. 33K of the CDRB, as well as in Chapter Two “labour migration from third countries”, Section “General Provisions” and Section “blue card of the European Union” of the ctmtm. Access to the labour market is allowed for positions for which Bulgarian citizenship is not required by law:
1. when a foreigner has a high professional qualification representing:
(a) acquired higher education, attested by a diploma, certificate or other official document issued by a competent authority,
following studies of a duration of not less than three academic years conducted by an educational institution recognised as
a higher school by the state concerned; or
B) in the case of positions listed in the list, approved by order of the minister of labour and social policy, knowledge, skills and competences,
attested by an official document issued by a competent authority, for professional experience at a level comparable to the acquired higher education,
acquired within the period specified in the list and relevant to the position or sector specified in the employment contract; or
(C) in the case of posts other than point (B), knowledge, skills and competences which are attested by an official document issued by a competent authority for at least five years of professional experience at a level comparable to a higher education and which relate to posts or the sector specified in the employment contract.”