Procedure for access of third-country nationals to the labour market in connection with the issuance of a" work permit " to Posted Workers-third-country nationals
The document “work permit” is issued by the executive director of the Employment Agency at the request of the local person accepting a posted or sent worker from a third country, on the basis of which it is issued by the Ministry of Interior and a permit for prolonged residence under Art. 24, AL. 1, vol. 1 of the foreigners in the Republic Of Bulgaria Act.
The authorisation shall be issued to third – country nationals who are posted or dispatched employees-third-country nationals, within the framework of the provision of services on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
“Posted or dispatched worker or employee in the framework of the provision of services” within the meaning of the LTMTM is a worker, a national of a third country, who, within a certain period, carries out work on the territory of the Republic Of Bulgaria, defined in the employment contract with an employer, whose seat is on the territory of another EU member state or of a third country.

“Resident who has employed posted or posted workers or employees”
within the meaning of the ZTMTM is a person carrying out an activity
on the territory of the Republic Of Bulgaria, registered under the
Bulgarian legislation or under the legislation of another member state
of the EU, the EEC or the Swiss Confederation, who for his activity
uses the services of a posted or dispatched worker or
employee from the EU member states or from third countries.
The terms and conditions for the admission of posted or posted
workers from third countries to the Republic of Bulgaria in the framework of
the provision of services shall be determined by the ordinance on the terms and conditions for the posting and
dispatch of workers and employees
in the framework of the provision of services.
And. Conditions for access to the labour market.
The terms and conditions for access to the labour market are set out in Chapter Two “labour migration from third countries”, Section “General Provisions” and Section “work permit” of the ztmtm.
Posted or posted workers and employees-third-country nationals carry out work on the territory of the Republic Of Bulgaria only for the specific host enterprise, which for this purpose has submitted an application to the Employment Agency. For the employment of this category of foreigners, the restriction of art. 7, Al. 1, vol. 1 of ZMTM.
The procedure of the EA for issuing a permit for access to the labor market of foreigners requires to be carried out before the start of the employment of foreigners on the territory of the Republic Of Bulgaria.