Welcome to the Customers page of our website! cfcrecruitment.com
We are proud to share with you a list of some of our satisfied customers who already trust our services and products. Their trust is a reflection of our continued dedication to quality service and innovative solutions.
Our client portfolio includes a variety of businesses and individual users that we have been able to support in different areas. We are proud of the long-standing partnerships we have built with them and the successful projects we have implemented together.
Leoni - Manufacturer of cable systems for the automotive industry.
Barage GroupBarage group - Construction company.
EcoinvestEcoinvest - Recycling of plastic waste.
V & TV & T - Production of plastic products for the food industry.
CommtechCommset - Production of plastic extruded products.
Restaurant VodenitsaRestaurant Vodenica - a restaurant with national cuisine.
BASBAS - 155 years of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Restaurant LebedRestaurant "Lebed" - fish restaurant.
CMM CommerceCMM-Production of meat products.
SHR-NC - Bankya branchSpecialized hospitals for rehabilitation - national complex EAD.